• Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat - Undertile
  • Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat Spec
  • Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat - Undertile
  • Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat Spec

Thermogroup Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat – Undertile 150W/m2

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Product Description

Thermogroup Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat – Undertile 150W/m²

Thermonet features 3.5mm TwistedTwin cable, self-adhesive mesh and our low-profile cold tail connection cable.
These features make up what we call LayFlat Technology because this combination neutralises tension in the finished product and makes Thermonet easier to fit.
Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat have a tough fluoropolymer coating on the outside og the cables and internal conductors, a continuous armoured earth sheath and multi-shrand twin conductors.
The conductors as twisted together to eliminate electromagnetic field (EMF) and neutralise the stress, expansion and contractions of the cable along the entire length, resulting in a more robust longer lasting cable.
Thermogroup are so confident of the quality of our German-made Thermonet Underfloor Heating that they give each system a manufacturer warranty that lasts a Lifetime with 3 year manufacturer warranty on Thermostats.
Thermonet is installed wire-side-down which means the heating cable is protected from damage during installation by the hard wearing mesh layer.
Utilising innovative extrusion processes provides real ‘lay flat’ technology that makes installing Thermonet easy.
The matting system is only 3.5mm thick with a low profile cold tail of only 4mm thick which is typically concealed within the tile adhesive layer.

Width: 500mm
Heated width: 430mm
Thickness: 3.5mm
Max. Temperature: 28°C
Protection Rating: IP68
Wattage: 150W/m²
Conductor Type: Single Ended
Cold Tail Length: 5m

Unique stress free cable construction
Utilising innovative extrusion processes provides real ‘lay flat’ technology that makes installing Thermonet easy

View Thermonet Underfloor Heating Mat Product Specs

For product enquiries please feel free to Contact Us. One of our customer service team members will be in touch as soon as possible.

Manufacturer Warranty: Lifetime on heating mat

View warranty terms at Thermogroup Website

Specification Sheet



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